Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Night when Train deceived It

Night secretly crawls over the rails.

When serenity suddenly rams into the crowds

Thousands of tombs come up in a tick.

The link to the dream- about-to-begin snaps.

And the voice that reverberated through the compartment

Assumes a sudden silence.

The hand that was turning a page or a paper till then

Recedes leaving no trace of itself.

And the night in no time becomes all a pell-mell.

Hardships and tears,

Fantasies and festivities,

Despairs and despicables, and et al

The train strongly hugs to its steely heart.

For some, the life’s script ends abruptly,

The corporal frames assume cadaverous looks,

And as for the severed limbs separated from source,

Bodies can never collect,

Nor can the train bring back to life, once done with.

Hapless signals stare helplessly,

Scraps of rails wail their heart out mutely,

The night continues to crawl restlessly

And as pitilessly.


Translated by N.S.Murthy

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